DescriptionT-Ball is an entry level division. The emphasis is on learning some basic baseball concepts and having fun! NWBA follows the Rally Cap Program for this division. The program helps teach players the five “FUNdamentals” of baseball (fundamental movement skills, throwing, receiving, hitting, and base running) in a fun and safe environment. Players will hit off a tee, outs are not tracked and scoring is not kept. Parents of T-Ball players are encouraged to be actively involved during weekly practices, helping their child with coach-led activities, such as “The Crocodile Drill.”
AgeT-Ball 1 is for 4 & 5-year-olds who are playing baseball for the first time.
T-Ball 2 is for 6-year-olds who want to learn the fundamentals of baseball.
Ages are based on LL Baseball Age.
LocationPractices and games are held at Grimston Park.
Practices & GamesT-Ball 1: Weeknight practice 45 minutes
T-Ball 2: Weeknight practice 1 hour
T-Ball 1 & 2: Weekend game 1.5 hours
TeamsT-Ball 1: 5-6 players
T-Ball 2: 8-9 Players
Uniform– comfortable athletic wear and running shoes
– league baseball cap (provided with registration)
– team colour numbered T-shirt (provided with registration)
EquipmentPlease refer to NWBA’s Players Equipment List for information about required and recommended equipment.
Call-UpsNone. If a team is short of players, it is recommended to borrow players from the opposing team.
Season DurationThe regular Spring Season typically runs from early April to mid-June.
Additional PlayPlayers from T-Ball 2 may be selected to play in the District 6 T-Ball Jamboree, held at the end of June.
NWBA also typically offers Fall Ball opportunities in September and October, and Winter Training programs in November to mid-December and in January to mid-March, for all Rookie, Minor, and Major Division players who are interested, and sometimes for T-Ball players, too. Registration for “post-season” programs is separate from registration for the regular Spring Season program. Post-season programming is dependent on sufficient registration and parent volunteer (coach) availability. Players should register in the Fall Ball and Winter Training sessions that correspond in level to the division they will play in the following spring (i.e., T-Ball Division players who will be LL Baseball Age 7 the following year should register for Rookie Division Fall Ball and Winter Training sessions, if interested in “post-season” programs).
Team Communication During the SeasonVia the TeamSnap app.
CoordinatorFor more information, please contact the T-Ball Coordinator or the Registrar.